domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #252 The Script "If you could see me now"

Oh if you could see me now
Oh if you could see me now

It was February fourteen, Valentine's Day
The roses came, but they took you away
Tattoed on my arm is a charm to disarm all the harm
Gotta keep myself calm but the truth is you're gone
All I'll never get to show you these songs
Dad, you should see the tours that I'm on
I see you standing there next to Mom
Both singing along, yeah arm in arm
And there are days when I'm losing my faith
Because the man wasn't good he was great
He'd say music was the home for your pain
And explain, I was young, he would say

"Take that rage, put in on a page
Take the page to the stage
Blow the roof off the place"
I'm tryna make you pround
Do everything you did
I hope you're up there with God
Saying that's my kid

I still look for your face in the crowd
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)
Would you stand in disgrace or take a bow
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)

(Oh, if you could see me now)

If you could see me now would you recognize me
Would you pat me on the back or would you criticize me
Would you follow every line on my tear stained face
Put your hand on a heart that's was cold as the day you were taken away
I know it's been a while but I could you see cleat as day
Right now, I wish I could hear you say
I drink too much and I smoke too much dutch
But if you can't see me now that shit's a must

You used to say I won't, know I will until it cost me
Like I won't know real love till I've loved then I've lost it
And if you're lost a sister, someone's lost a mom
And if you're lost a dad, then someone's lost a son
And they're all missing now, ya they're all missing now
So if you get a second to look down at me now
Mom, Dad, I just missing you now

I still look for your face in the crowd
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)
Would you stand in disgrace or take a bow
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)

Oh.. oh..

Would you call me a saint or a sinner?
Would you love me a loser or a winner?

Oh.. oh..

When I see my face in the mirror
We look so alike that it makes me shiver

I still look for your face in the crowd
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)
Would you stand in disgrace or take a bow
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)

I still look for your face in the crowd
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)
Would you stand in disgrace or take a bow
Oh, if you could see me now
(Oh, if you could see me now)


You could see, you could see me now
(You could see, you could see me now)

Curiosidades: a musica é uma homenagem ao pai do vocalista Danny O' Donoghue e dos pais do guitarrista Mark Sheehan que faleceram.

Analise Geral: em termos visuais é basicamente composto por imagens ao vivo, já a parte vocal é mais estilo hip hop e mostra que o guitarrista também tem jeito para cantar.


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