domingo, 14 de setembro de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #251 Olly Murs "Army of Two"

Yeah! Ah!

I came, I saw
Tore down these walls
Blocked one way, I found another
You know you’ll always be discovered
If it's me, you choose, I can’t lose.
I’m in love with you if you love me too


Don’t ever change and I’ll stay the same
We’ll be swimming in the same direction
We’ll never lose this connection
Nothing they can do to stop this army of two
We’re marching to the future, yeah it’s me and you

Soldiers, follow my lead. Repeat after me
Our faith is the bullet, hope is the gun
Love is all we need
Now our fear’s on the run, we’ve already won
Now march with the band and raise your right hand
We’ve only just begun

I took a vow to never let you down
When it’s us there ain’t no competition
I could be the star, on which you’re wishing
I never doubted for a moment, it’s true
I love all of you, if you love me too

Don’t ever change and I’ll stay the same
We’ll be swimming in the same direction
We’ll never lose this connection
Nothing they can do to stop this army of two
We’re marching to the future, yeah it’s me and you

Soldiers, follow my lead. Repeat after me
Our faith is the bullet, hope is the gun
Love is all we need
Now our fear’s on the run, we’ve already won
Now march with the band and raise your right hand
We’ve only just begun

Only just begun, only just begun, only just begun

So don’t ever change and I’ll stay the same
We’ll be swimming in the same direction
We’ll never lose this connection
Nothing they can do to stop this army of two
Cos we’re marching to the future, yeah it’s me and!

Soldiers, follow my lead. Repeat after me
Our faith is the bullet, hope is the gun
Love is all we need
Now our fear’s on the run, we’ve already won
Now march with the band and raise your right hand
We’ve only just begun

It’s the moment of truth
I'm counting on you, this army of two
I’ve only just begun
It’s the moment of truth
I’m counting on you, this army of two
I’ve only just begun

Curiosidades o vídeo foi gravado num parque de estacionamento subterrâneo em Londres

Analise Geral: fazer uma montagem com vários Ollys, é como gravar o vídeo ou partes dele 50 vezes, ainda mais quando é um vídeo muito simples, mas também para uma musica romântica como esta serve

se me visses agora

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