domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #246 Bingo Players ft Far East Movement" Get Up"

His house party is crazy, my crew is hela wavy
Yo, flip the cut, then say what's up,
Then slide out with your lady
No ifs or buts about it, my style is technotronic
Got grips and models so spin the bottle,
Girl I'm just getting started

Get up, get up, get up
Pump the volume, feel the base
Get up, get up, get up
Turn me on and let me do my thang
Get up, get up, get up
We in the house and we here to stay
Get up, get up, get up!

We be raging round the clock, feel that base around the block
Fill that red cup to the top, birthday shots
Doesn't matter, who you are, look around, we in the stars
Round the world, we party all,
We go all night strong until we drop

Get up, get up, get up
Pump the volume, feel the base
Get up, get up, get up
Turn me on and let me do my thang
Get up, get up, get up
We in the house and we here to stay
Get up, get up, get up!

Put your hands, put your, put your hands up
Put your hands, put your, put your hands up
Put your hands, put your, put your hands up
Get up!

We ain't going home, it's 6 in the morn'
This house is bumping, friction on
We ain't going home, even when the lights come on
This house is bumping, base still go strong
Get up!

Curiosidades: esta musica é uma mistura de 2 e contra com a coloboraçao dos far East movement

existe uma versão não censurada do vídeo, onde a morte do patinho é mais explicita, o rapaz que é atacado na cara também fica a sangrar e o atropelamento tem mais detalhes explícitos

Analise geral

é musica electronica, mas tem um vídeo engraçado, já que treinar os patos deve ter sido complicado.

basicamente temos um grupo de patos que resolve vingar-se de um bando de rufias por estes terem roubado a idosa que os alimentava e terem morto á pedrada um patinho

Claro que não faz sentido termos patos a conduzir ou a usar colares.

Na próxima semana

 em baixo

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