domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #231 Little Mix "DNA"

Does he tell you he loves you when you least expect it?
Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck
No scientist, or biology
It’s obvious, when he’s holding me
It’s only natural that I’m so affected

And my heart won’t beat again
If I can’t feel him in my veins
No need to question, I already know

It’s in his DNA
It’s in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-breath away
I feel it every day, and that’s what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It’s in his d-d-d-dna

It’s the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future
Fingerprints that leave me covered for days, yeah hey yeah
Now I don’t have any first degree
But I know, what he does to me
No need to work it out, it’s so familiar oh

And my heart won’t beat again
If I can’t feel him in my veins
No need to question, I already know

It’s in his DNA
It’s in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-breath away
I feel it every day, and that’s what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It’s in his d-d-d-dna

It’s all about his kiss
Contaminates my lips
Our energy connects
It’s simple genetics
I’m the x to his y
It’s the colour of his eyes
He can do no wrong
No he don’t need to try
Made from the best
He passes all the tests
Got my heart beating fast
It’s cardiac arrest
He’s from a different strain
That science can’t expalin
I guess that’s how he’s made
In his d-d-d-dna

It’s in his DNA
It’s in his DNA
And he just takes my breath away
B-b-breath away
I feel it every day, and that’s what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It’s in his d-d-d-dna

Curiosidades:  a  banda venceu a 8ª edição do " X Factor" ingles e foi a primeira banda a consegui-lo

um dos elementos é noiva de um dos elementos dos One Direction

Analise Geral:  o vídeo  e a letra são um bocadinho contraditórios, se a letra fala num amor arrebatador, já no vídeo as elementos da banda parecem umas stalkers vingativas em relação a um tal Ryan num ambiente estilo Sin City com um visual de anime japonesa( acho que usam uma maquilhagem algo exagerada)

a historia tem um pouco de logica, mas acaba por contradizer a letra e ter a parte coreografada numa espécie de slow motion é estranho.

na próxima semana

doce nada

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