domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

RigaMusica Analise #229 Plan B " Prayen"

Oh Lord above, if I just killed a man
Let somebody take the blame
Oh Lord above, if I'm knelling down
My prayer, take away this pain, oh, nothing helps

I'm praying, oh Lord, I'm praying to You
Take away this guilt all up in my head
I'm pleading, oh Lord, I'm pleading with You
We got some dealings to do before the day I'm dead

He came for me just like I knew he would
But this time I was ready, not [incomprehensible]
But he weren't wrong, there was one more left
He took my weapon from me, put it to the test

It's when this angel appeared out of the dark
With the devil in his eyes but God in his heart
He slayed him down, saved me from a sudden death
But I've still done wrong, so now

I'm praying, oh Lord, I'm praying to You
Take away this guilt all up in my head
I'm pleading, oh Lord, I'm pleading with You
We got some dealings to do before the day I'm dead

So there we are, an angel and a man
Both just standing there, blood on our hands
What we gon' do now, this what I thought
But before I could say it, the angel talked

He said, "I'm in here for life anyway
You're only in here for five, I'll take the blame
So go run now, don't feel ashamed"
But oh Lord, I do, that's why I'm pray

I'm praying, oh Lord, I'm praying to You
Atone me from these sins weighing down on my soul
I'm pleading, oh Lord, I'm pleading with You
Got some healing to do, inside I'm feeling love

I'm praying, oh Lord, I'm praying to You
Take away this guilt all up in my head
I'm pleading, oh Lord, I'm pleading with You
We got some dealings to do before the day I'm dead

I'm praying, oh Lord, I'm praying to You
Atone me from these sins weighing down on my soul
I'm pleading, oh Lord, I'm pleading with You
Got some healing to do, inside I'm feeling love

Curiosidades.  a musica é o terceiro single do albun "The defamations of  strickland banks"

Analise geral: o vídeo desta musica tem uma particularidade, é a continuação do vídeo da musica "She said"( para quem não sabe qual é, é ver no post de 6f a que está no preview rma) e fazem parte de um álbum em que basicamente é como se as musicas e vídeos contassem uma historia )

na próxima semana

doces sacrificios

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