domingo, 2 de março de 2014

RigaMusicaAnalise #223 Emelie Sandé "Next to me"

You won't find him drinking on the tables
Rolling dice and staying out til 3
You won't ever find him being unfaithful
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

You won't find him trying to chase the devil
For money, fame, for power, out of grief
You won't ever find him where the rest go
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

When the money's spent and all my friends have vanished
and I can't seem to find no help or love for free
I know there's no need for me to panic
Cause I'll find him, I'll find him next to me

When the skies are grey and all the doors are closing
And the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe
Well, all I need is a hand to stop the tears from falling
I will find him, i'll find him next to me

Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
I will find him, i'll find him next to me

When the end has come and buildings falling down fast
When we spoilt the land and dried up all the sea
When everyone has lost their heads around us
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
Next to me ooooh
You will find him, and you'll find him next to me

Curiosidades: actuou na cerimonia de encerramento dos jogos olímpicos de londres

é casada com um biólogo marinho

Analise geral: Se por um lado a musica tem uma sonoridade que fica no ouvido, por um outro o vídeo é muito simples e fraquinho

Na próxima semana


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