domingo, 15 de dezembro de 2013

RigaMusicaAnalise #212 Will I Am ft Eva Simons "This is love"

If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then, baby, let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love

Eva Simons:
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love for the beats
Steal it in the streets
Love for the melody, no song is cheap
The dope crusader, funky terminator
I created me a rocker just so we could rock it later
And the wait up, beat is knocking
Got me feeling, alright, cause the dj got me walking on a steeler
I got a rocket full of gold, mami's just gold
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode
If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then, baby, let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love

Eva Simons:
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love for the bass, and love for the treble
Love for the orchestra, violinchello
Love for computer beat, hotter than metal
House beat housing, bouncing in the ghetto
We sip till we smash it, feeling alright
And we rock the ghetto blaster, rocking all night
I sent a rocket to the globe, armor just stole
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode

Eh, baby, yeah, alright
Can you feel it?
Good God, yeah, alright

Eva Simons:
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?

 This is love, this is love, this is love

This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love

Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?

Letra: fala sobre o amor pela musica

Video: por um lado o Will I am a tocar piano junto ao Tamisa, e a Eva numa discoteca e o vídeo tem a interação entre eles.

Curiosidades: Eva Simons é holandesa

o vídeo foi gravado junto á tower Bridge e a discoteca é a Cirque duSoir em Soho.

Opinião geral / erros

dentro da vertente eletrónica a musica é daquelas que se ouve, já o vídeo tem cenas no mínimo curiosas: é que ficamos a saber que o Will I am tem um piano, mas em especial um portátil que aguenta com chuva e neve e continua a funcionar lindamente

Na próxima semana

usar depois de utilizar os fantasmas

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