domingo, 8 de dezembro de 2013

RigaMusicaAnalise #211 Biffy Clyro "Mountains"

I Took a bite out of a mountain range,
Thought my teeth would break the mountain did.
Lets go, I want to go all the way to the horizon.

I took a drink out of the ocean and,
I'm treading water there before I drown.
Lets dive, I want to dive to the bottom of the ocean.
I took a ride, I took a ride, I wouldn't go there without you.
Lets take a ride, we'll take a ride. I wouldn't leave here without you.

I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.
I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.

'Cause you tear us apart, with all the things you don't like.
You can't understand that I won't leave 'til we're finished

 here, and then you'll find out where it all went wrong.

I wrote a note to the jungle and it wrote me back that I was never crowned king of the jungle, so there's and end to my horizon.
I took a ride, I took a ride. I wouldn't go there without you.
Lets take a ride, we'll take a ride. I wouldn't leave here without you.

I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.
I am a mountain, I am the sea.

'Cause you tear us apart, with all the things you don't like.
You can't understand that I won't leave 'til we're finished here, and then you'll find out where it all went wrong.

Nothing lasts forever, except you and me. (You are my mountain, you are my sea)
Love will last forever, between you and me.(You are my mountain, you are my sea)

I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.
I am a mountain, I am the sea.
I am a mountain, I am the sea

Letra: muito simples e sinceramente não entendo o sentido
Video: confronto entre o mar e a montanha num jogo de xadrez?
Curiosidades: a musica tinha como nome original " teeth or mountains"
Opinião geral/ erros: em termos de som a musica até é boa, mas numa musica pequena, não se saber muito bem o que se quer do vídeo, estraga um pouco as coisas. A ideia do jogo de xadrez até era interessante, mas foi muito mal explorada e dá a entender que foi acabada depressa.

Na próxima semana

isto é amor

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