domingo, 22 de setembro de 2013

RigaMusicaAnalise # 200 Linkin Park "Burn it Down"

The cycle repeated
As explosions broke in the sky
All that I needed
Was the one thing I couldn't find

And you were there at the turn
Waiting to let me know

We're building it up
To break it back down
We're building it up
To burn it down
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

The colors conflicted
As the flames climbed into the clouds
I wanted to fix this
But couldn't stop from tearing it down

And you were there at the turn
Caught in the burning glow
And I was there at the turn
Waiting to let you know

We're building it up
To break it back down
We're building it up
To burn it down
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

You told me yes
You held me high
And I believed when you told that lie
I played soldier
You played king
And struck me down when I kissed that ring
You lost that right to hold that crown
I built you up but you let me down
So when you fall
I'll take my turn
And fan the flames as your blazes burn

And you were there at the turn
Waiting to let me know

We're building it up
To break it back down
We're building it up
To burn it down
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

When you fall
I'll take my turn
And fan the flames as your blazes burn
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground

When you fall
I'll take my turn
And fan the flames as your blazes burn
We can't wait
To burn it to the grou

Letra: fala sobre libertar energia

Video: muito simples apenas a banda a atuar

Curiosidades:  a musica serviu de lançamento aos playoffs da NBA

o nome original era Buried at sea

Opinião Geral:  para mim o vídeo é fraquinho, a banda já fez bem melhor, ter uma actuaçao, com uns laivos de libertação de energia é fraquinho.

Erros: posso ter sido eu a não perceber o conceito, mas podiam ter feito um bocadinho melhor

Na próxima semana

o lutador

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