domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013

RigaMusicaAnalise #199 BoB "So God"

Drinking a German beer with a Cuban cigar
In the middle of Paris with a Dominican bar
Great head on her shoulders, she probably studied abroad
She transfered to Harvard from King's College in March
She says that I'm her favorite cause she admires the art
Michelangelo with the flow, Picasso with the bars
She's well put together like a piece by Gershwin
Rennaisaince style, tonight is picture perfect
So smile, and pack your bags real good baby
Cause you'll be gone for a while, while while

Girl, tell me how you feel
What your fantasy
I see us on a beach down in Mexico
You can put your feet up
Be my señorita
We ain't gotta rush
Just take it slow

You'll be in the high life
Soaking up the sunlight
Anything you want is yours
I'll have you living life like you should
Just say you never had it so good

La la-la la-la la-la la la-laaa
You never had it so good
La la-la la-la la-la la la-laaa

Suffering from first class cabin fever
Five hour layovers from Norway to Egypt
I'm to the point like the pyramids of Giza
Still I'm to the left like the tower out in Pisa
I'm feeling single baby
I could use a feature
Swagger like Caesar, I'll get you a visa
We can go to Italy, and maybe see the Coliseum
I'll be Da Vinci if you'll be my Mona Lisa
Now smile, and pack your bags real good baby
Cause you'll be gone for a while

Girl, tell me how you feel
What your fantasy
I see us on a beach down in Mexico
You can put your feet up
Be my señorita
We ain't gotta rush
Just take it slow

You'll be in the high life
Soaking up the sunlight
Anything you want is yours
I'll have you living life like you should
Just say you never had it so good

La la-la la-la la-la la la-laaa
You never had it so good
La la-la la-la la-la la la-laaa

Well I been feeling singular
How about let's make it plural
Spin the globe, wherever it lands that's where we'll go
We'll hit up Europe, yep, and spend some euros
And maybe visit Berlin, the wall's with the murals
This is your month baby, sign of the Virgo
Private reservations, glasses full of merlot
A rose, a burgundy, travel like turbo
Brush up on your español
We're Barcelona bound
So smile, and pack your bags real good baby
Cause you'll be gone for a while

Girl, tell me how you feel
What your fantasy
I see us on a beach down in Mexico
You can put your feet up
Be my señorita
We ain't gotta rush
Just take it slow

You'll be in the high life
Soaking up the sunlight
Anything you want is yours
I'll have you living life like you should
Just say you never had it so good

La la-la la-la la-la la la-laaa
 You never had it so good
La la-la la-la la-la la la-laaa

Letra: é uma mistura entre descontração, e declaração de amor à namorada

Video: temos o Bob a levar a namorada a varias partes do mundo

Curiosidades: o vídeo tem imagens de varias partes do mundo desde Paris, ao Egito, passado por italia

ele faz publicidade a uma cerveja dinamarquesa.

a musica foi lançada no dia dos namorados

Opinião Geral: é uma musica descontraída, diferente das outas do BoB.... ea miúda que faz  de namorada dele é gira

Erros:  o vídeo não tem grandes erros, até porque é muito simples.

na próxima semana

vamos queimar tudo

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