domingo, 1 de setembro de 2013

RigaMusicaAnalise #197 Maroon 5 ft Wiz Khaliffa "Phaphone"

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be
It's even harder to picture
That you're not here next to me
You said it's too late to make it
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burnt down

I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
Still stuck in that time when we called it love
But even the sun sets in Paradise

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two

If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairy tales are full of shit
One more fucking love song I'll be sick

You turned your back on tomorrow
Cause you forgot yesterday
I gave you my love to borrow
But you just gave it away
You can't expect me to be fine
I don't expect you to care
I know I've said it before
But all of our bridges burnt down

I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
Still stuck in that time when we called it love
But even the sun sets in Paradise

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two

If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairy tales are full of shit
One more fucking love song I'll be sick

Now I'm at a payphone...

Man fuck that shit
I'll be out spending all this money while you sitting round
Wondering why wasn't you who came up from nothing
Made it from the bottom
Now when you see me I'm strutting
And all of my cars start with a push of a button
Telling me the chances I blew up
Or whatever you call it
Switched the number to my phone
So you never could call it
Don't need my name on my show
You can tell it I'm ballin'
Swish, what a shame could have got picked
Had a really good game but you missed your last shot
So you talk about who you see at the top
Or what you could have saw
But sad to say it's over for
Phantom pulled valet open doors
Wiz like go away got what you was looking for
Now it's me who they want
So you can go and take that little piece of shit with you

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two

If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
All these fairy tales are full of shit
One more fucking love song I'll be sick

Now I'm at a payphone...

Letra:  fala sobre um amor perdido

Video:  o Adam trabalha num banco e gosta de uma colega secretamente. Certo dia o banco é assaltado e ele, depois de conseguir roubar uma pistola a um dos assaltantes consegue fugir levando consigo a colega.  Na rua é confundido pela policia com um assaltante e a policia vai atras dele, ele rouba um carro e consegue escapar a policia

Curiosidades:  o vídeo começa em Las Vegas e acaba em Los Angeles

a colega é a modelo holandesa da Victoria Secret's Bregje Heinen

o carro roubado ao Wiz Khaliffa  é um AC Cobra 427

os assaltantes são os outros elementos da banda

Opinião Geral: a historia está engraçada( e ninguém diria que a Bregje só tem 20 anos, é que até é gira), ver o adam armado em nerd e tal. mas o vídeo tem muitos erros.

Erros: ora bem por onde começar:

os assaltantes são burros devido à facilidade como deixam uma pistola ali ao alcance do Adam

depois são zarolhos, visto armados até aos dentes com shout guns fartam-se de disparar contra o Adam e a rapariga e o máximo que conseguiram foi acertar de raspão no braço do Adam

os policias de Las Vegas são burros, visto o Adam deitar a arma fora e levar com tiros da policia na mesma(mesmo estes também serem zarolhos)

os policias perdem-no de vista, mas depois dele roubar o carro voltam a ir atras dele e com um mega dispositivo(uma dúzia de carros, 2 helis) e mesmo assim não o conseguem apanhar.

já agora o que raio faz o wiz khaliffa no final como mendigo se o carro roubado era dele( e já agora o que faz ele no vídeo)

na próxima semana


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