domingo, 30 de junho de 2013

RigaMusicaAnalise #188 Lil Wayne ft Bruno Mars "Mirror"

[Lil Wayne]

 With everything happening today
You don't know whether you're coming or going
But, you think that you're on your way
Life lined up on the mirror don't blow it

Look at me when I'm talking to you
You're looking at me but I'm looking through you
I see the blood in your eyes
I see the love and disguise
I see the pain hitting in your pride
I see you not satisfied
And I don't see nobody else
I see myself, I'm looking at the

[Bruno Mars]

 Mirror on the wall
Here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can't understand the man I am
So why are we, here
Talking to each other ag-a-a-a-ain

[Lil Wayne]

 Uh, I see the truth in your lies
I see nobody by your side
But I'm with you when you're all alone
And you correct me when I'm looking wrong
I see the guilt beneath the shame
I see your soul through your window pane
I see the scars that remain
I see Wayne, I'm looking at the

[Bruno Mars]
Mirror on the wall
Here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend (My only friend)
You told me that they can' t understand the man I am
So why are we, here
Talking to each other ag-a-a-a-ain

[Lil Wayne]

 Looking at me now I can see my past
Damn, I look just like my fucking dad
Lighting up that smoke of mirrors
I even look good in a broken mirror
I see my mamma smile that's a blessing
I see the change, I see the message
And no message could have been any clearer
So I'm starting with the man in the

[Bruno Mars]

 Mirror on the wall (M. J. taught me that)
Here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can't understand the man I am
So why are we
Talking to each other again

[Bruno Mars]

 Mirror on the wall
Here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend (My only friend)
You told me that they can't understand the man I am
So why are we, here
Talking to each other ag-a-a-a-ain

Mirror on the wall
(Hey BP, looks like I did take them walls this time)
So why are we talking to each other again

Letra: basicamente temos o fazer as pazes com o passado

Video: temos o Lil Wayne a pintar um quadro em que vê ele crucificado

Curiosidades: temos a participação de Bruno mars

Opinião geral: a historia está interessante, o Lil Wayne tem mais tatoos que sei lá o que( apesar de algumas do vídeo serem montagem, e o Bruno Mars apenas aparece ali ou porque escreveu ou porque produziu a musica.

Erros: não vejo muitos, apenas acho que alguém fez a pintura em vez do lil wayne

Na próxima semana

alguém que conhecia

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