domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

RigaMusicaAnalise #153 The Script " Nothing"

Am I better off dead

Am I better off a quitter
They say I'm better off now
Than i ever was with her
As they take me to my local down the street
I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet

They say a few drinks will help me to forget her
But after one too many I know that I'm never
Only they can see where this is gonna end
But they all think I'm crazy but to me it's perfect sense

And my mates are all there trying to calm me dow
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town
I'm swearing if i go there now
I can change your mind, turn it all around
And I now that I'm drunk but i'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though it's lust
Dial her number and confess to her I'm still in love
But all i heard was nothing

So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences
I know if I'm face to face that she'll come to her senses
Every drunk step I take leads me to her door
If she sees how much I'm hurted
She'll take me back for sure

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town
I'm swearing if i go there now
I can change your mind, turn it all around
And I now that I'm drunk but i'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though it's lust
Dial her number and confess to her I'm still in love
But all i heard was nothing

She said nothing
Oh I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh I got nothing, I got nothing
Oh I wanted words but all I heard was nothing

Oh sometimes love are intoxicated
Oh you're coming down your hands are shaking
When you realise there's no one waiting

Am I better off dead
Am I better off a quitter
They say I'm better off now
Than I ever was with her

And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over town
I'm swearing if i go there now
I can change your mind, turn it all around
And I now that I'm drunk but i'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though it's lust
Dial her number and confess to her I'm still in love
But all i heard was nothing

She said nothing
Oh I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh I got nothing, I got nothing
Oh I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh I got nothing

Letra: fala de uma forma diferente do habitual, já que é como se o próprio "narrador" estivesse a contar a história do video na primeira pessoa. basicamente ele está num bar com os amigosa beber para esquecer  uma namorada que o deixou, mas quando mais bebe, mais fala dos problemas e os amigos levam-no dali.Ele ao chegar a uma ponte, olha para a água e é como se visse o reflexo da ex lá e como está disposto a tudo para voltar para ela atira-se á água para ir ter com ela. depois lá conseguem reitrá-lo de lá.

Video: como foi dito segue a história contada na letra, em que o Danny atira-se para aágua e acredita que a ex está lá com ele.

Curiosidades: Isto é mesmo a história de vida do Danny(vocalista da banda), é que segundo consta o rapaz quando bebe demais começa a falar dos seus problemas.

Opinião Geral: a história está bem construida, com os amigos a levarem-no a beber um copo para ele esquecer os problemas, mas ele a cada vez mais falar deles, depois tiram-no do bar e tentam evitar que ele vá na direcção da casa da ex.mas existe um erro nisto é que os amigos vão á frente dele, e deixam-no ficar para tras e ele acaba por ficar na ponte sozinho. Os amigos, com ele naquele estado deviam ir ao lado dele ou mesmo atras, para evitar que ele ficasse sozinho.

Na próxima semana

faz o que queres

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