domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

RigaMusicaAnalise #131 Eminem ft Dr Dre e Skylar Grey "I need a doctor"

Chorus: Skylar Grey]]

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

[Verse 1: Eminem]

I told the World one day I would pay it back
Say it on tape, and lay it, record itSo that one day I could play it back
But I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
Ya'll starting to creep in, everyday it's so grey and black
Hope, I just need a ray of that
Cause no one see's my vision when I play it for 'em
They just say it's wack
They don't know what dope is
And I don't know if I was awake or asleep
When I wrote this,
All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest
You picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you
Before the life of me, I don't see why you don't see like I do
But it just dawned on me you lost a son
See this light in you, it's dark.
Let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you
I don't think you realise what you mean to me
Not the slightest clue
Cause me and you were like a crew
I was like your sidekick
You gon either wanna fight me when I get off this fucking mic
Or you gon hug me
But I'm not an option, there's nothing else I can do cause...

[Chorus: Skylar Grey]]

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

[Verse 2: Eminem]

It hurts when I see you struggle
You come to me with ideas
You say there just pieces so I'm puzzled
Cause the shit I hear is crazy
But your either getting lazy or you don't believe in you no more
Seems like your own opinions, not one you can form
Can't make a decision you keep questioning yourself
Second guessing and it's almost like your begging for my help
Like I'm your leader
Your susposed to fucking be my mentor
I can endure no more,
I demand you remember who you are
It was YOU, who believed in me
When everyone was telling you don't sign me
Everyone at the fucking label, let's tell the truth
You risked your career for me
I know it as well as you
Nobody wanted to fuck with the white boy
Dre, I'm crying in this booth
You saved my life, now maybe it's my turn to save yours
But I can never repay you, what you did for me is way more
But I ain't giving up faith and you ain't giving up on me
Get up Dre, I'm dying, I need you, come back for fuck's sake

[Chorus: Skylar Grey]

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
Bring me back to life
Bring me back to life

(I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life)

[Verse 3: Dr Dre]

It literally feels like a lifetime ago
But I still remember the shit like it was just yesterday though
You walked in, yellow jump suit
Whole room, cracked jokes
Once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke
Went through friends, some of them I put on
But they just left, they said they was riding to the death
But where the fuck are they now
Now that I need them, I don't see none of them
All I see is Slim
Fuck all you fair-weather friends
All I need is him
Fucking backstabbers
When the chips were down you just laughed at us
Now you bout to feel the fucking wrath of aftermath, faggots
You gon see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the fuck we been?
You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass
Little crack a jack beat making wack math,
Backwards producers, I'm back bastards
One more CD and then I'm packing up my bags and as I'm leaving
I'll guarantee they scream Dre don't leave us like that man cause...

[Chorus: Skylar Grey]

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

Letra: é apresentada como um tributo de Eminem a Dr Dre, em que o primeiro agradece-lhe pelo facto do segundo ter acreditado nele e ter arriscado a carreira quando apostou nele( já que mais ninguém o queria fazer).Dr Dre na sua parte, faz como que uma passagem de testemunho do seu legado para Eminem, já que esta musica está no seu álbum de despedida. Ele, agradece a Eminem pela sua amizade e por ter sido sempre um amigo verdadeiro, que esteve sempre a seu lado quando ele precisou, ao contrario de outros que se afastaram com o tempo.

Vídeo: temos uma primeira parte, onde temos Dr Dre no alto de uma colina, olhando para o horizonte e relembrando vários momentos da sua carreira desde o inicio com os NWA, e também momentos d sua vida pessoal, como o seu casamento e o nascimento da sua filha.

Depois tem um violento acidente de carro e a historia avança alguns anos, e temos dre em coma num hospital e Eminem a seu lado a tentar reanima-lo, até que consegue e no final temos Dre na reabilitação.

Sem certezas, mas acho que esta historia do acidente, o “coma” e a reabilitação, é o sentido figurado do que aconteceu na carreira de Dre, que teve o acidente quando morreu o seu mentor, e foi a aparição de Eminem que o fez reabilitar e a não desistir.


O carro que Dre conduz no acidente é um Ferrari 360

O anjo que faz playback da voz da Skylar grey é a actriz canadiana Estella Warren.

A Skylar Grey nunca canta directamente a sua parte, mas aparece no vídeo no papel da medica que trata do Dre.

No fim ele visita a campa do seu mentor Eazy E

No vídeo temos muita publicidade: Ferrari, G-Shock, HP, Gatorade, e os headphones personalizados do Dr Dre.

Skylar Grey não foi a primeira escolha para fazer a parte do Chorus: a primeira escolha tinha sido Lady Gaga

Opiniao geral: confesso que ao inicio achei que seria sobre uma temática diferente, que seria sobre um acidente que Dre teria sofrido. Mas vendo bem as coisas temos uma homenagem a Dre e uma retrospectiva da sua carreira. Eu sinceramente gosto deste tipo de vídeos, com historia para trás.

Na próxima semana

Está tudo a arder

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